Getting started


id.js is a compact library for interacting with domains on the new Internet. It supports Impervious domains, .forever and ENS. It abstracts away all the little details that you typically have to deal with when interacting with the smart contracts directly, so you focus on building awesome dApps instead!


✔ Tiny! About 26kb gzipped < 1 cat pic and with dynamic imports it can be even smaller!

✔ Fast! Seamless batching with Promise.all/allSettled

✔ Simple API for registering, renewing, transferring, resolving, and more.

✔ Supports Dns, text, address & content hash records

✔ Supports Impervious domains such as .f, .www and .contract

✔ Supports .forever domains

✔ Supports ENS including the latest controller & name wrapper!